Scoville Scale

Bents Chilli's


Growing so far

Rocotillo  Several, Prolific Ran a search & destroy last week, chopped them all........I wore a disguise so that nearby good chillies didn't know who did it.
Jalapeno 2 Sturdy Plants, 15 cm high Look like they're struggling at only 6" high after a year in the ground. Low foliage, but simultaneously putting out 5 new pods each every few months. Yum!
Serrano 1 plant, hanging in there. {25 offspring in seed tray} In the driest, hottest part of the yard. Low foliage due to low water, has grown well but puts out only a few pods at a time. They take forever to ripen, but the scovilles are way up on these things.
Cayenne 2 Plants, 1 flowering Established after only few months in the ground, no pods yet.
Birdseye 1 Plant {14 healthy Offspring in 100mm pots} Struggling in the heat next to the Serrano, the few regular pods are odd shaped (deformed & twisted). Will take paint off your car !
Siam Yellow 1 Plant - {24 healthy Offspring in 100mm pots} A favourite - Long narrow, bright yellow pods when ripe. Too short and narrow  to be Wax Pepper, it's a mystery plant  Plant is 1 M high after 8 months in the ground and put out over 50 pods so far...and not slowing down either. IMHO its as hot as a Habanero with more flavour.
Habanero 12 Plants, 2 Established and fruiting, 5 Bonsai style What is there left to say about this beast. Have 2 growing next to the struggling Birdseye & Serrano, but they love it. Still stunted from lack of water, but prolific foliage and several new pods and flowers. Just planted 7 in a row for what I hope to be a Hab-Hedge come Spring.
Naga Jolokia 3 from 3 seedlings have sprouted after 4 weeks. Waiting to see how they go, have another 17 seeds on standby Anticipation...still waiting, waiting, waiting
Black Pearl 1 Plant. {10 in seed tray} Small round black pods turning red when ripe., very dark Purple (almost black) leaves. Spooky iridescent purple flowers. If chillies were measured in evil looks, this one would have the crown.
Inferno 1 Plant Has 3 pods on it sticking straight up in the air, 2 turning red (takes forever). looking forward to planting some more.